
Many have asked me to pray for them. Others have sent their prayers to me, something for which I am extremely grateful because I do work from my heart and soul and the work is often emotionally, financially, and politically challenging.

When asking for Divine Intervention for someone with cancer, yourself, or someone you love, may I suggest removing yourself as much as possible from the Cosmic Process. By this, I mean that the Higher Powers already know that you care. They have to find a way to help that does not violate anyone's free will or learning experience.

I therefore suggest to those who are interested that they ask for guidance, that they ask that what each needs to learn and to see in the situation be revealed, and that the patient be relieved from pain and suffering. It is not in our power to dictate how this relief is to occur, but I have seen many incredible responses to petitions for help.

Let me give you an example of something I did, something very simple but sincere. I had a fish in my aquarium who was floating on his back. I put some holy water into the tank, a statue of St. Francis on top of the tank, and I asked the Universe to relieve Friday (I got him on Good Friday) of suffering. It was obvious that Friday was suffering because his breathing was labored. The next morning, I expected to see a dead fish, but Friday was fine and has gone on to live many, many more years despite the fact that they told me that this type of fish only has a life expectancy of a year. So, we don't know what God's Plan is. It is not our privilege to know, but we can invoke Divine Assistance and wait to see how the Universe will handle our request.

Whatever you do, do not send energy directly to the patient. My experience with these well-intentioned efforts is that the energy often stimulates the growth of the tumor. You can send love, blessings, and prayers, but be careful about energy. Ask those who are wiser to do what is best and then wait to see what happens. It is, of course, perfectly wonderful to pray with a patient and to ask for the light and love to heal.

Many blessings,




My Beliefs



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Sacred Medicine Sanctuary
Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2000, 2001, 2005


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